January 23, 2012

Practice, Practice, Habit

January 23, 2012

I am happy to report that this week I weigh in at 244.6 lbs! That is a loss of 1.4 lbs since last week with a total of 3.4 lbs for the year so far. With school starting next week and the other aspects of my life, it is going to be a challenge to fit in my exercise, but I am a creative person so I will figure something out. The challenge for me right now is late night snacking. I'm going to make a commitment to circumvent that by making my "snack" a glass of water, rather than popcorn, fruit, or whatever else catches my fancy. I'll keep you posted.

Thank you for joining me on my journey.


January 14, 2012

Edmund's Community Corner

End of Week 1

Anyone can attest that weight loss is not easy. I began this week weighing in at 246.4 lbs. This week I weighed in at 246 lbs; so that's a .4 lb loss. As of October 2011 that's 4 lbs to date. I have to admit that when I saw a number less than two, I was on the verge of being upset, but then Saint Theresa saved the day! She told me "You know, someone once told me, 'The New York marathon is 26.2 miles, and unless you complete the .2 miles, you have not finished the marathon.'" Once she said that, I did not feel bad because life is not 'The Biggest Loser'. I will reflect on that anytime I'm on the verge of bashing myself for not meeting outcomes I cannot control. Whatever challenges you are tackling for this year and beyond, keep in mind that deadlines are hard stops and goals are open ended and life changing. Deadlines in life, I believe, are exhausting because you always have to start over once you've met it, or stress out if it's breached. Alternatively, when you set goals, they are generally something that will be ongoing that is meant to increase quality of life or uplift you from that point forward. The way I see it, businesses make deadlines, people set goals. One goal I've set for myself is to ride my bike at least once a week. So far I have surpassed my goal and I aim to surpass it throughout the year. I will continue to update on my progress with my weight loss peppered with my opinions and/or anecdotes on various topics.

Thank you for joining me on my journey and godspeed on your endeavors.


January 6, 2012

Get `Er Done

Edmund's Community Corner

Last year I decided to challenge myself by giving up soda for the year. I wanted to see if I could really give up something I loved for an entire year. I'm proud to say that I did it; and as a result I don't drink as much soda as I used to; and thus, I've lost a little weight. Nothing to write home about, but it's interesting how much cutting out soda benefits you. I found just labeling it as a personal challenge rather than a New Year's resolution worked for me. So for 2012 I decided to up the ante by adding a "positive" with a "Negative". I am challenging myself to losing 40 lbs by Dec. 31, 2012-"positive" and I am also giving up ice cream for the year-"negative"; LOL. Currently, I am 248 lbs. My goal weight is 190 lbs but I'll save those extra lbs for the following year. I'm going to take some inspiration from my wife (check out her blog: Talula Steps Daily) I'm going to ratchet up the accountability factor by posting my current weight every Saturday to my Facebook page and Twitter feeds. Given my network of friends, colleagues and acquaintances, I believe this will help me to stay on track and bolster the fact that no one man is an island. I thank you in advance for all of your encouragement, feedback, and support as I begin this journey into making my life better and ensuring that I am around when my son becomes a grandfather. Godspeed to all of you and your endeavors and Happy New Year!

So in the words of Larry the Cable Guy, let's "Get 'Er Done!"

Ellison a.k.a. Edmund Starbanks

Stalk Edmund