November 10, 2011

Edmund's Community Corner

Companies have prepared for these dates already; but have you?

BLACK FRIDAY: November 25, 2011
CYBER MONDAY: November 28, 2011
Smartphones have invariably changed the way we interact with each other, access information, and even shop. Unless you have been stranded on the moon, you are aware of the boon in mobile coupons or deals. They come in many flavors such companies that deliver deals to your phone such as: GroupOn, Google Offers, and Living Social, or loyalty offerings such as Four Square, and lastly baked in options such as American Express' Link, Like, Love. You do not have to rely on these options alone, there are plenty of websites that offer a way for you to take advantage of coupon codes for online shopping: RetailMeNot and Mfet are great sites.

So this holiday season, spread joy, goodwill, and hope; and when you shop, be sure to get the best deal possible. Look for my annual top 10 gift guide next week.


July 5, 2011

Edmund's Community Corner-Don't Forget Caylee

Edmund's Community Corner

Don't Forget Caylee

As a father of a two year old son, I cannot fathom any harm coming to him. I share the shock and disbelief that many people have felt over the verdict in the Casey Anthony trial. Although emotionally, I believe in my heart that Casey murdered her child and morally, she will have to answer to God for her atrocity; I want to focus on the fact that an innocent child has been deliberately taken from this earth. Regardless of how you feel her mother should have been punished, I ask that you pray for Caylee. Pray that her soul is at peace and move away from anger and dismay and towards solidarity for an innocent life. Casey knows the truth about what happened to her daughter. She knows that her daughter trusted her and she betrayed that trust. She took the unconditional love for granted and reacted selfishly and reprehensibly. We do not need to seek out judgment for Casey; that has been taken care of, and she will answer for that on her death bed.

Honor Caylee by spending more time with loved ones. Reach out to family members you have not spoken to due to petty arguments. Hug your children more and tell them you love them, and how proud of them you are. Recognize their accomplishments and praise their efforts in their endeavors. I end this post with a promise to pray for Caylee and all of the other lost children of the world.


Stalk Edmund