May 19, 2009

Edmund's Technoblasts

iPhone 3.o

Upcoming iPhone/iPod Touch 3.0 update (Specific to users and not developers)

The bulk of the update for the iPhone/and iPod Touch are more for developers rather than end users. Great new ways for you to monetize your application and nickel and dime your customers. If you are hoping to create the next great app or be the next Trism story; then you should be very excited about this update, if not; then you should feel like Apple has finally got its proverbial head out of the sand (or something else if you prefer). The upcoming update for the iPhone and iPod Touch finally addresses many of the issues users have bemoaned about since their debut. Never mind the fact that Apple addresses end users at the end of the keynote. Now that the disclaimer that Apple should have expressed, let's take a look at what is in store for the end user.

The pluses: MMSBluetooth 3.o support/USB Tethering, Cut, Copy, and Paste, and core applications getting a landscape keyboard.
The minuses: iPod Touch users still have to pay for the upgrade-ridiculous.

Check back later when the final release comes out. At the moment Apple is on its fifth beta version, which you can only get if you are a developer.


Stalk Edmund