November 16, 2024

So, They Elected a Monster - Deuxième Partie

So, They Elected a Monster - Deuxième Partie 

Eight years ago, I wrote a blog post regarding the results of the 2016 election. There may be some overlap from that original post, but this time I will expand on what's relative today. Please read the original post, here.

Regardless of where you fall relative to the outcome of the 2024 election; you have more than likely witnessed, viewed, and read the emotional outpour by many people. The majority; myself included, are very unhappy. Truthfully, we are terrified. I have read and heard countless commentary from insensitive people mocking that very sentiment. 

Let's respond to those callous statements.

"Well, he was elected President, so, he's 'Our President'."

Quite plainly; NO. He is not 'Our President'. If you voted for him, did not vote, voted third party, voted via write in, he is YOUR president. While it is true that he has been elected President of the United States via popular and electoral college majority, he is NOT an advocate for the country as a whole. I did not vote for him because I do not support anything that he stands for. He is pathologically self absorbed, selfish, pedantic, and maniacally evil. Regardless of antipathetic belief, you cannot deny what he willfully, and gleefully displayed to the public. It is NOT rhetoric, he IS that person; and much, much worse.

"Not everyone who voted for him is a racist/sexist/misogynist/xenophobe/homophobe/transphobe."

Perhaps, but they are perfectly fine that HE IS. If you are not convinced that he is, you transcend cognitive dissonance. Again, it's not rhetoric; he is very much those horrible adjectives, and much more. As a Black Man in the United States, I already have to be prepared for a myriad of bad, if not fatal, outcomes just by merely existing. I also have to have unnecessary, scary conversations with my 16 and 10 year old sons.  The danger to our lives has now exponentially increased. As of this writing, Republicans have a Senate majority, and the House of Representatives is leaning towards that as well. The Supreme Court is a conservative majority. Only naiveté would allow you to conclude there is not a clear and present danger for me, my sons, women, LGBTQIA+, people of color, and immigrants. This leads to a comment I am quite tired of hearing...

"Calm down snowflake!" 

Fuck you, Asshole. I could leave it at that, but let's drill down. Imagine the irony of people being offended right now. Likening our grievance to hysteria, and overreaction proves our viewpoint. Those who share the 'snowflake' sentiment lack humanity. As I stated in the previous paragraph, his rise back to power is an existential threat to me and my family. He plaintively stated that he would give police and police departments federal immunity, deport people, criminally go after his detractors and political opponents, shut down news and media outlets at whim; the list is essentially limited by his imagination. That should scare anyone; and if it doesn't, time will reveal.

"We need to come together and move forward."

This may be the most patronizing of these gaslighting statements. The sentiment from most of his supporters are that democrats are overly woke, elitist, and consider them a touch beneath imbecilic. This is laughable since a great majority of them, including their pundits gleefully refer to democrats as "libtards". I do not believe this statement when I hear it from those who voted for him. What I hear is, "He won, get over it". Their mindset is very much, "Get on board, or suffer consequences". Retribution and "owning the libs" is their agenda. They have no intention of forging a path forward through compromise, understanding, nor love of country.

"There's very high inflation, and no jobs!"

Macro perspective; the economy is doing very well; stocks have risen significantly, inflation is down, and the job market is booming. Micro perspective; very few people are feeling the benefit of the aforementioned boons. Everyday items for everyday people are more expensive. Utilities are more expensive, housing is scarce and expensive. This is further exacerbated by the sinister practice of Shrinkflation. Many companies took advantage of the pandemic mania by adjusting the amount of product, but selling at the same or slightly increased price. Changes are generally subtle; such as increasing the height, yet decreasing the width and volume of a cereal box or bottled beverage. Giving 3 less items in packaged foods, 1 less pair of underwear, lower quality textiles; etc. While that may be obvious to many, it is not to most. They just see their everyday stuff rising in costs.

What's Next (What can we do)?

If you are upset or dismayed by the results of the 2024 election, then your next step is to Take Action. We've rested on our laurels. They are now wilted, with thorns. For lack of a better phrase; "We need to get off our ass." As a left leaning liberal, I can recognize that we've taken many things for granted. We've also assumed many things. Sitting with your anger and/or disillusionment is unacceptable. It's time to hold our elected officials accountable; it's time for them to realize who really holds the power, and that their jobs are at our discretion.

Hopefully, you voted for Kamala Harris for reasons other than she "wasn't Trump". Think of those reasons, think of the direction you'd like the see the country go in, think of the future you'd like for your children and our youth to have, think of body autonomy, think of civility, compassion, and empathy; overall, think about a life that makes it easier for everyone to pursue their dreams, and prosperity.

Keep all of that in mind when making your action plan. Get more involved in local politics. Find out who your judges, sheriffs, attorney generals, and other non high profile elected officials are. Build a coalition. We cannot do this alone; we need each other. Remember Legos, IKEA, and puzzles; every piece matters and has a purpose. Follow the plan to the letter. 

Lastly, and most importantly, Have Patience. The change we seek may not happen in our lifetime. We need to accept that possibility. The road ahead will be tough, treacherous, and heartbreaking. Knowing this going in is imperative, because that awareness is necessary. We've received our catalyst; now it's up to us to foster that spark into the fire of change. Utilize our resources and resilience to ensure the embers of our movement never diminish, and can never be extinguished. 

Let's Get To Work. 

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